Many people are struggling to strike a healthy work-life balance. Here are few ways to achieve and maintain a healthy work-life balance from the founder of copywriting consultancy Ella Smith, Ella Legg.
Primark is seeking a reduction on shops for contract renewal and pushing for rent cuts to bring its cost in line with other rivals that have to proceed to slash payments to landlords
On Monday, the Southeast Asian’s unicorn ride-hailing startup Grab has announced the investment worth $2 billion from Japanese company SoftBank will be invested in Indonesia for over years.
Following the two biggest ride-hailing companies in Southeast Asia, Grab and Gojek, the largest chat app provider in Japan, Line, will expand its Thai’s services in the online grocery sector.
The delivery market in Europe is contested by the famous companies such as GrubHub and Uber Eats. However, it does not mean Europe only has those two delivery service companies.