The prices of goods traded among companies in Japan rose last month compared to a year earlier. Prices continue to rise to higher levels, but the pace of the increases has eased.
Subaru, an automobile manufacturer, has announced that they will establish a new production line fi EVs (Electric Vehicles) in Gunma Prefecture, where the production base is located.
Japanese electronics maker Panasonic unveiled high-performance cooling boxes that would help the struggling health officials for shipping and storing coronavirus vaccines at very low temperatures.
Based on the definition of business matching above, we can conclude that Business Matching is a strategy in business development through a meeting between two parties who have the same business background that was previously planned.
PT Victory Chingluh Indonesia (Chingluh), a manufacturer of Nike brand shoes in Indonesia, terminated the Employment Relations (PHK) of its 4,985 employees
there is a challenge that prevents businesses in the retail industry from expanding or developing, which is the development of the online retail business (e-commerce)