Japan is signing a changing attitude toward disabled people with the victory of Yasuhiko Funago and Eiko Kimura—two candidates with severe disabilities from a small opposition party, Reiwa Shinsengumi—in Japan’s upper house vote on Sunday.
A mint factory in Osaka stated on Thursday that it had started minting coins engraved with the Chinese calligraphy of “Reiwa Gannen” (令和元年) or “Reiwa One”.
With the polls for the House of Councillors election set to open July 21, calls for debate on the treatment of foreign nationals residing in the country illegally have grown following strong indications that long-term detentions by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan are increasing in length and number.
Japanese lawmakers' income averaged 26.57 million yen ($245,000) in 2018, the highest in 16 years and up 2.45 million yen from a year before, parliamentary data showed Monday.
Rental apartment operator Leopalace21 Corp. reshuffled its management Thursday after defective construction work was found at more than 16,000 of its apartments.