As a good friend, George Clooney warned Affleck about Bruce Wayne (Image via: W Magazine)

You Should Not Play Batman: Clooney to Affleck

Batman is an iconic figure in DC. Who does not know Batman? He is one of the founders of Justice League. In fact, Batman’s comic is named “Detective Comic”, pretty much summing up the origin of the name of the comic company. Batman is by far the figure most portrayed in superhero generation, known for its dark history and approach toward his opponent.

For years, Batman movies starred different actors, and the fans have their own favorites. Some actors, though, after receiving backlash from the fans, decided to give a nickel-free piece of advice to be careful with the role. George Clooney - who stars in 1997’s “Batman & Robin” movie – forewarned the current Bruce Wayne, Ben Affleck that he should not have played the cursed role. Bruce Wayne himself is the real person that acts as Batman in Gotham City. He has a flamboyant character, but deep inside, he is tactical and unpredicted.

Learning from experience, George Clooney could not do the same as his predecessor, Michael Keaton who played in 1989’s Batman. Even for Adam West, actor who played Batman in 1960’s series, put Clooney (to whom he refers to as “Pretty Boy”) as the least favorite Bruce Wayne in a Big Bang Theory episode. Clooney might have had enough of the backlash, as he suggested Afflect not to take up the black mantle and become Dark Knight of Gotham.

To his deaf ears, Ben Afflect still took the role in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, its sequel: Justice League, and a cameo in Suicide Squad. As predicted by Clooney, Ben Affleck flopped and the fans were quite in the same wavelength as they whipped Affleck with strident, harsh criticisms.

Ben Affleck himself decided to take the mantle off, as he claimed in March that he would no longer play “The Greatest Detective in the World”. The script for him was a mess. Affleck was involved in the making of the script, and he was unhappy with how it turned out.

As DC movies are starting to get better with Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Shazam, the question for DC fans nowadays is: “Who will play Batman?”. As we all know, we can never satisfy everyone at the same time, which is the greatest weight in playing the role.
