Yen Exchange Rate in the mid-125 Yen per Dollar
The Tokyo foreign exchange market on the 13th continues to
trade at the mid 125 Yen level per dollar due to the perception that the
inflation rate in the United States did not greatly exceed expectations.
In the New York foreign exchange market, the yen
depreciation did not progress further due to the perception that the rate of
increase in the US consumer price index announced on the 12th did not greatly
exceed expectations, and 1 dollar = 125 Yen level The transaction centered on
the first half.
In response to this, the Tokyo market on the 13th has
started to sell yen and buy dollars, and the transaction is at the middle of
125 yen per dollar.
Market officials said, “WTI futures, which is an
international indicator of crude oil prices, have risen to over $ 100 again due
to concerns that supply and demand for crude oil will be tight due to economic
sanctions on Russia. Concerns and widening interest rate differentials between
Japan and the United States continue to make it easier for the yen to sell by
buying dollars with higher yields.”
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220413/k10013580121000.html