December is least related to job hunting activity since it is a festive month. Therefore, use the chance to apply for your dream job! (Image via Loved Workplace)

Why December is a good month for job-hunting?

Being the last month of the year, December reeks of holidays. However, job hunters are still restless. While the companies are struggling to finish their projects before New Year’s Eve, many job hunters see December as the “least favorite” month for job-hunting.

Turned out, they are “WRONG”! JobStreet, a well-known online job-hunting portal, did a survey on 500 HRD and recruitment managers. The result was that 94 percent of them advised all the job hunters to keep the job-hunting going to the end of the year.

Here are the benefits of job-hunting in the Christmas month:

JobStreet tabulated that only a few job hunters stay on the hunt in December. But, see on the bright side. This means no more competition! Compared to the busiest month for the job hunters, January and February, December means more interview opportunities for you!

As December is often referred to as a “merry” and “bright” month, so is the feeling of the recruiters! The positive vibe of December makes it even easier for you to attract the attention of the strictest recruiters. Even, the document-checking procedure is getting a lot easier.

Compare it to January and February. It is more difficult for you to land a job since the recruitment process is tightened again.

It is common for companies to hold an event in December, especially Christmas or New Year event. Use these events to enlarge your connection. The broader your connection, the easier it will be for you to land a job.

Don’t be embarrassed to admit that you are looking for an opportunity now and need help with that. The chance is that they will recommend you to the recruiters. You know what they say about “inside recommendation”, right? But, always be ready.

It is almost the same as the first point. Once the competition is no longer crowded, you can apply faster. The recruiter might see you as one of the “early birds”. As the early bird gets the worm, there is a huge chance that the recruiter will also call you for an interview earlier than expected.

If you keep tarrying until January or February, your CV will drown by other CVs.

When the companies are not expecting any candidate to apply in December, try applying. It will make you look “more diligent” compared to other job hunters who choose to apply next year. After all, the diligence and “striving” character is what the company sees in you.

There you go! For these reasons, we recommend that you still apply for a job in December. When the field seems empty, it is a good chance for you to keep trying. Good luck!
