WHO 武漢調査チーム帰国へ 米政府“調査結果 検討”

WHO Wuhan Research Team Returning to Japan

The WHO, World Health Organization research team visiting Wuhan, China to elucidate the source of the new coronavirus will return to Japan on the 10th after completing local activities. The investigative team said it was unlikely that the virus was leaked from a research institute in Wuhan, which was claimed by the former Trump administration in the United States, and the US government will consider the findings.

The investigative team said it was unlikely that the virus was leaked from a research institute in Wuhan, which was claimed by the former Trump administration in the United States, and the US government will consider the findings. The WHO research team, which is made up of experts from various countries including Japan, will return to Japan on the 10th after completing the research conducted in Wuhan last month.

WHO's Peter Benembarek said at a press conference on the night of the 9th before returning to Japan that it was "extremely unlikely" that the virus had leaked from the "Wuhan Institute of Vase" claimed by the former Trump administration in the United States. Said.

On that basis, he said that it is possible that the new coronavirus could infect humans from hosts such as bats via other organisms, and that he would proceed with further investigation in the future.

The U.S. Biden administration has criticized the Chinese government's disclosure of information on viruses as lacking transparency, and White House spokesman Saki said at a press conference on the 9th, "We will receive the results of the WHO survey and consider it in detail. The US government will consider the content in the future.

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20210210/k10012859001000.html