WHO clarifies these hoaxes as wrong and how you should search for more information before trusting a piece of untrustworthy news. (Image via WHO)

WHO bashes COVID-19 hoaxes

The World Health Organization (WHO) released another “fact-check” post to clarify the hoaxes circulating about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). With the fact check, WHO advised everyone to stay updated and check whatever information they got from various sources.

Here are the hoaxes:

1. COVID-19 is transmitted airborne
WHO clarifies that the virus is not transmitted through the air. But, by the droplets when people are sneezing, coughing, or talking to other people. Moreover, the droplet could not stay afloat in the air for too long and drop to the floor or onto the surface of things.

Healthy people could contract COVID-19 if they don’t maintain at least a one-meter distance and disinfect the surfaces they touched.

2. Holding your breath will save you from COVID-19
Holding your breath for 10 seconds might save you from anger, but it does not save you from COVID-19. It also does not save you from any other disease. If one shows COVID-19-like symptoms, they are advised to rush immediately to the hospital.

3. Alcohol saves people from COVID-19
While it is used to drown oneself out of sorrow, drinking alcohol will not benefit anyone in terms of health, let alone preventing COVID-19. While baseless, WHO said that drinking alcohol amid the COVID-19 outbreak could be dangerous. It might weaken your immune system, hence exposing you to the COVID-19.

4. The cold temperature kills COVID-19 virus
While you cannot infect Greenland on Plague Inc. because it is cold, in real life, coldness does not kill COVID-19 or other viruses. The virus could still invade human bodies, staying 36.5 Celsius regardless of the external temperature and weather.

5. COVID-19 affects all climate
WHO said that no matter what climate your country is having, COVID-19 can transmit under hot and humid climate, bashing the theory that the heat from tropical climate kills the virus.

No matter what climate it is, WHO advised all people to protect themselves while going to places or areas where COVID-19 is available. The best way is to maintain self-hygiene such as washing your hand with water and soap or alcohol-based disinfectant.

Source: https://bit.ly/2RbpbBl