
What are the benefits of Eucalyptus for health?

Eucalyptus has recently been a conversation because it is said to help resist viruses. What are the benefits of eucalyptus?

The efficacy of Eucalyptus in the health world is no stranger anymore. The Eucalyptus plant that originated from Australia has grown in various parts of the Earth and the Umumnnya used oil for various herbal treatments. Although Eucalyptus is a popular herbal remedy, it is not a clinically proven benefit to resist coronavirus . The relationship between Eucalyptus and coronavirus still needs more serious research with a larger scale. So, do not directly believe Yes, if there is a product with a Eucalyptus content that claims to be able to protect from coronavirus!

Then, actually, what are the benefits of Eucalyptus for health? Below are listed 9 Eucalyptus Benefits you need to know!

1. Reduce cough

It has since long been famous Eucalyptus can relieve cough. No wonder that there are a lot of cough medicines in the market that contain Eucalyptus content in it. Rubbing Eucalyptus Oil on the chest and neck when coughs and colds will also feel very soothing.

2. Reduce mucus in breathing

When suffering from coughs, colds, or nasal congestion, Eucalyptus oil will help melt the mucus or phlegm that is difficult to get removed. It's easy to Kok, just usapka on the chest or neck. You can also pour a few drops of Eucalyptus oil into the hot water in a bowl, then move it closer to the face and breathe it deep. Do it 2 times a day to reduce the hard mucus out.

3. Treating Insect bites

To reduce the itching due to insect bites such as mosquitoes, try to put Eucalyptus oil on the skin area of bumps or redness.

4. Relieves minor wounds to the skin

You can apply ointment or cream that has the content of Eucalyptus oil on the affected area of mild wounds such as papercuts, Burns, or hit knives, because ucalyptus beneficial as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

5. Relieve breathing

he other benefits of Eucalyptus are to help relieve breathing, so for those of you who have sinus or asthma, you should always have Eucalyptus oil at home. Thediffuse Aroma Essential Oil Eucalyptus will make breathing feel more comfortable, while refreshing and cleaning the air in the room.

6. Helps cure herpes on the lips

Cold afternoon or herpes on the lips that are itching, sore, and make no confidence, can be treated with balm or ointment containing Eucalyptus oil because the anti-inflammatory content serves to accelerate healing and relieve pain.

7. Refreshing Bad Breath

Not only a mint that is potent reduce the smell of mouth, Eucalyptus also Lho! Eucalyptus can act as an anti-bacterial that fights germs of bad breath, so it is not surprising that there are toothpaste or mouthwash using Eucalyptus material in it.

8. Nourish the Scalp

Anti-inflammatory content and in Eucalyptus make this herbal plant efficacious also for hair care, especially to relieve inflammation of the scalp, thus helping to reduce dandruff and hair can also grow more fertile.

9. Reduce joint pain

Research has shown that Eucalyptus oil can help relieve pain in the joints. Cream or ointment products for many joints that use Eucalyptus oil as one of its contents. But, for joint pain or sore muscles that are serious enough, you should still contact your doctor.
