illustration cashier in one of supermarket in jakarta

Watch 5 Signs of an unsafe Supermarket to visit during a pandemic

During the time PSBB transition may be a habit to shop out start back done by some people. Especially for those who during the home just accustomed to shopping online, now slowly wanted a little loosen the mind by breathing the outside air.

The simplest reason to go out of the house, yes shop to the supermarket. Moreover, the shopping center has also started to reopen. Enggak wonder if the malls that you visit also began to crowded.

Then that, before deciding to shop at the supermarket subscriptions make sure first they keep the cleanliness and safety of visitors, yes.

If you find the following five signs, it's best to undo your intentions and move to another shopping location. Because, some of these things become the main signal whether the place is properly maintain the cleanliness and safety of its visitors. What's up, anyway? Here's more reviews.

1. Install policies regarding hygiene at the arrival gate

Each region does have different cleanliness protocols and shopping security during this pandemic. But, at least the protocol should be explained first before visitors enter the shopping area. Typically, the COVID-19 spread prevention protocol will be displayed at the arrival gate.

According to Leann Poston, MD, a New York physician said, if you do not find a clear protocol, then that means that the store to be visited does not have a strict policy on pandemic.

"Usually, the store will oblige or even at least provide a mask to the visitor," he added as quoted from Eat This.

2. The shopping place has good air circulation

The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, states that most likely the spread of COVID-19 occurred in the air through droplet. Therefore, it is important for a shopping place to have ventilation so that the circulation in the room goes well.

If you come to a shopping mall and find a crowded air and an airway, then you shouldn't continue your shopping activities in the place. Therefore, the Unfresh air circulation can increase the risk of spreading the disease.

3. Does not provide hand sanitizer

In the food safety guidelines in retail facilities issued by BPOM, advise one of them to provide a sink with soap or a hand sanitizer for visitors. Both hand sanitizers are mandatory for a shopping center to provide in the area.

But if the shopping location you visit does not provide, it is good to always carry a hand sanitizer in your bag.

4. Full checkout Area of the queue

The cashier Area can be the safest location in the supermarket. Because, in this area is a gathering place for visitors who are in line to pay for groceries. So in this area it is also important to implement social distancing. Usually supermarkets will give the barrier distance between visitors that the queue at least one metre.

Other things, if you do not find the implementation of this social distance and see the crowded cashier area, it is best to undo the intention to shop in the place.

5. Officers do not use face masks

According to WHO's regulation on the face, using facial masks for anyone outside the house is also valid in shopping areas. It is also encouraged by the new normal guidelines issued by BPOM. Both supermarket staff and visitors are required to use masks during shopping.

That way, it can be a sign that the shopping place you visit applies hygiene and security regulations during the pandemic firmly. Conversely, if you find the officers who do not use masks should not shop at the place, ok!
