Sugary beverages may lead you to an unwanted life. (Image via: Caribbean360)

Warning, Sweet Teeth People! Sugar Leads to Cancer: Study

Too much is never too good. Especially, when it comes to sugary food and beverage. Sugar is often linked to diabetes and fat. However, it turns out that there are worse things than diabetes in sugar, according to a study done by Global Disease Burden.

The study, conducted in France, pointed out that since 1990 to 2016, sugary consumption has risen up to 40%. As the rate of consumption rose up, so does the possibility to contract disease and cancer. About 101,257 participants, all over 18 years old, partook in the experiment. The experiment took participants’ 24-hour dietary records, and over 3,300 food and beverages taken.

The finding showed that the sugary diet leads to a higher risk of cancer. However, the other finding might also shock you. Fruit juice, including the 100% fresh fruit, was also included on the list. The only thing that linked soft drink beverages and fruit juice together is the sugary property within them. Therefore, both soft drinks and fruit juice lead to cancer.

Then, should we avoid fruit juice from now on? Of course not. The idea is not to avoid juice, soft drink, or any sugary food and beverages but to balance the intake. It is evident that too much sugar leads to diseases such as cardio-metabolic, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. In 2010, about 178,000 deaths due to cardiovascular disease contributed to the global mortality rate.

The result of the study was then published in the BMJ journal. At the conclusion of the study, the researchers suggested that water is the best drink for humans in order to prevent any disease. The swap from sugary drink to water is so powerful that a single swap could save your life from obesity and diabetes.
