Soft skill matters when you are stepping as a professional. (Image via Grad Singapore)

Wanting to shine at work? 4 soft skills for fresh graduates to get professional

Excelling in your field? Check. Neat attire? Check. Cooperation? Teamwork? And, your decision amid problems? While excelling in your field and how you perform in front of others surely are your reasons why a company should hire you, there are subtle things that need more observation.

Despite being subtle, these subtle things, called soft skills, determine how your future at a company may be. There are four soft skills that you may need to have to fit into your division and company.

The first skill is communication. This is why in a vacancy an HR manager always emphasizes candidates’ ability to communicate well with others and the team. While it seems simple, communication works like oil to the gear, ensuring the continuity of good results from a team. Make sure that your attitude and your words will not offend anyone or at least, leave a good impression to your team that you are ready to handle your job together.

The second skill is teamwork. After having good communication skill, teamwork is the next aspect you want to see. Good communication results in good teamwork. You and your team need to know you guys are on the same wavelength and the same objective. It is not only about working together but how you manage to sort things out together and motivate your team in times of need. By start being mindful of your initiative, you may contribute well to your team and vice versa.

Next is your ability to adapt. It often happens that things don’t go your way. Instead of blaming your teammates or yourselves, start thinking of other ways to overcome the problems. In other words, adapt and overcome. By learning to adapt yourselves to the rapid change, you can calm yourselves in the face of problems and keep your company running.

The last is decision-making. It correlates with your adaptability. Due to the rapid change, sometimes you need to take a quick decision to countermeasure the incoming problems. Most companies nowadays demand an employee who can make a decision even in the briefest moment. However, not a silly decision, but a measured one. When a problem comes, you might want to sit back and recall every experience you have got and think of a decision before presenting it to your authority.

In brief, soft skill is not necessarily something you need to write or display in your CV or resume. You need to display it in your workplace. The possession of these soft skills not only help you in coping with the rapid changes happening at your company but also reassuring your position as a valuable asset to your company.
