JAKARTA - Indonesian Soybean Association (Akindo) considers that the government should focus on tropical plant development which is an advantage for Indonesia, rather than trying to develop subtropical plants.

Yus'an, Executive Director of Indonesian Soybean Association (Akindo), said soy is not a tropical plant but a substance, so it cannot produce with maximum kalua planted in the tropics.

In fact, the purchasing power of local farmers will increase if it is empowered to cultivate higher-value crops.

"China alone covers a broad substance and needs more than 100 million tons of soy per year still needs to import soybeans from the United States and Latin America more than 95 million tons," he told Bisnis, Monday (23). / 4).

He took the example that the government is not yet self-sufficient in rice and corn, which is actually Indonesia's prime tropical and crop.

In addition, the addition, palm oil, cocoa, coffee, cashew, and all other tropical crops including horticultura should be developed.

"It must be developed continuously so we can compete internationally, tapioca, rubber, durian and all tropical fruits are good to develop," he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture estimates that domestic soybean production will deficit 2 million tons until 2021.

The shortage of soybean supply in 2017 is estimated to reach 2.26 million tons, while the soybean deficit of 2021 is 2.24 million tons.

If the overall average until 2021 there will be a deficit reduction of 0.20%.

The Indonesian Tempe Tahu Producers Cooperative Association (Gakoptindo) notes the needs of the soybean industry and tofu ranging from 1.9 million to 2.2 million tons per year. The domestic product is about 800,000 or 900,000 tons per year.

Source: Bisnis Indonesia