Trading with yen exchange rate 149 yen A sense of caution against market intervention by the government and the Bank of Japan
In the Tokyo foreign exchange market on the 25th, amidst the view that the government and the Bank of Japan are repeatedly intervening in the market, there is a mix of buying and selling of the yen, and the yen exchange rate is trading between 149 yen to the dollar.
In the Tokyo foreign exchange market, the yen exchange rate approached the 150 yen level to the dollar in the early morning of the 24th, and then rose sharply to the low 145 yen level at one point. There is a view that there is.
Due to a sense of caution against intervention, the yen has been mixed with buying and selling.
A market insider commented, "There is a growing sense of caution in the market that we do not know when the government and the Bank of Japan will intervene, and nervous trading continues. However, the United States is pushing ahead with a significant rate hike to curb record-breaking inflation. The situation where it is easy for the yen to depreciate has not changed, such as the difference in monetary policy and the expansion of Japan's trade deficit."
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20221025/k10013869271000.html