JAKARTA - Javan Rhinos in Ujung Kulon, Banten, mentioned only 68 left tail. Horn hunting is considered as one of the causes of endangered animals.

"This condition is very important for the extinction, if it is not really guarded so nothing is allowed for what it is, the area must be well maintained, good security, no hunting, because he is a shy animal," Conservation General said. Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Wiratno when talking with AFP on Thursday (26/4/2018) night.

However, Wiratno says the Javanese rhino found dead named Samson is not for hunting. Samson allegedly died of age.

In the midst of the news of sadness, there is also good news. From hidden cameras belonging to Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK), there are 2 recorded tillers.

The population of Javan rhinoceros that has been recorded 67 tails in 2017 increased to 69 tails. But because Samson died, the population is now 68 tails.

World Communication Fund Coordinator (WWF) Indonesia, Diah R Sulistiowati, agrees with the KLHK statement. The survival of the Javan rhinoceros is vulnerable.

"(Habibat) only in Ujung Kulon is a bit vulnerable," said the woman who sincerely called Sulis when contacted separately.

"In the past even just 20 we have been around since 68 we counted 20 now," Sulis added.

According Sulis, efforts to maintain habitat habitat Java rhinoceros must be accompanied by conservation efforts. In addition, the government must ensure the conservation area is free from hunters.

"If the place can not be told about it because it avoids hunting, we are in the ministry, talking about it, there are already some locations we surveyed deserve to be given what kind of food," Sulis said.
