To secure human resources by raising the starting salary of the railway industry
In the railway industry, labor shortages are an issue
centered on young human resources, so even though management is deteriorating
due to the influence of the new coronavirus, there is a movement to secure
human resources by improving treatment such as raising the starting salary.
In the railway industry, the turnover of employees, mainly
young employees, has been a long-standing issue.
It is believed that the background is the working environment,
such as inspecting railroad tracks at midnight, and more recently, some people
have left their jobs because of the business environment has deteriorated due
to the spread of the new corona infection and it is difficult to predict the future.
Under these circumstances, Tobu Railway, a major private
railway company in the Kanto region, will raise the starting salary for
employees who will join the company next year in order to secure young human
Next year, high school graduates will increase by 10% to
200,000 yen, and university graduates will increase by 5% to 230,000 yen.
In addition, Nagoya Railroad, a major private railway
company in Aichi Prefecture, and Hankyu Railway, a major private railway company
in Kansai, have raised their starting salaries this year.
In addition to private railways, JR Hokkaido will raise the
base of employees by 500 yen for the first time in 21 years, this year with the
main purpose of stopping the outflow of young employees. Even as the business
situation continues, there is a growing movement to improve the treatment of
employees in order to secure human resources.
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220706/k10013703991000.html