Indonesian students at Wuhan cried out to the Indonesian government to evacuate them ASAP. (Image via Dunia -

They need to leave now: Indonesian Embassy in Beijing

Indonesian Embassy for China in Beijing suggested that Indonesian nationals in all China should go back to Indonesia to avoid getting infected by the novel coronavirus. At least, until the condition goes back to normal.

The Coordinator of the Protocol and Consular Affairs at the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, Ichsan Firdaus, signed an official statement on 29 January regarding the plead for the Indonesian government to evacuate the Indonesian nationals.

Ichsan revealed that the statement was issued following the demand from the Indonesian students throughout China who could not get out of their universities due to the lockdown.

Though entering the Lunar New Year break, many Indonesian students opted to stay in China. Some students revealed that their universities do not allow them to go back to their homeland without any letter from the Indonesian Embassy.

Speaking on Thursday night, Ichsan called for the Chinese universities to loosen their policies just for the incident and help escort the Indonesian students through the safest routes to the airports.

Due to the massive coronavirus outbreaks, China virtually locked down Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, Central China. The lockdown includes transportation access. On Thursday, the World Health Organization (WHO) finally declared global emergency status for Wuhan coronavirus.

Until Friday, the death toll due to Wuhan coronavirus-related pneumonia leaped to 213 people and infected thousands. More than a dozen countries have been infected by the virus. Nonetheless, outer China countries have not reported any casualty.
