The struggle of corona-treatment hospital
About seven months have passed since Osaka City Jusou Municipal Hospital (Yodogawa Ward, Osaka City) became a corona specialty hospital under the state of emergency. The conversion to a specialized hospital, which was positioned as a "fort" to stop the collapse of medical care, was regarded as "top-down" by Mayor Ichiro Matsui, and the scene was shaken by a sudden policy decision. Finding a place to accept inpatients and prospective births has been difficult, staff suffering from slander from the surroundings, and after the full-scale operation, many employees have left their jobs. What happened in the hospital during this time?
"I was really surprised." Dr. Yukio Nishiguchi looks back on the time when Mayor Matsui announced that he would become a specialized hospital on April 14.
At a corona-related meeting attended by the Osaka City Hospital Organization, an executive of Osaka University, and Mayor Matsui, who run the hospital, 13 people said that "there are many infected people in Osaka City" and "it is difficult for the private sector". A plan to turn a municipal hospital into a corona specialty hospital has emerged. Mayor Matsui agreed. Immediately after that, an executive of the organization told Dr. Nishiguchi by phone that he had "approved to become a specialized hospital for the new corona."
Two days after the policy was decided, outpatient clinics and surgery were stopped. We hurried to secure a transfer destination for about 200 inpatients. Doctors and nurses received guidance on infection prevention measures from infectious disease specialists dispatched from the city university. They trained every week on how to put on and take off protective clothing.
Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASND23449ND1PPTB009.html?iref=comtop_list_01