JAKARTA - The government, through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) together with 115 KKP Force officers, has drowned 125 mechanical vessels of illegal arrest simultaneously in 11 (eleven) locations throughout Indonesia.

The sinking in today's framework, led directly by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries as the Commander of the Task Force for Eradicating Illegal Fishing (115 KKP Force officers) in Bitung, North Sulawesi, Monday (08/20/2018).

"We also want these sovereign values ​​to color our independence day. This is a contribution from various institutions, especially under 115 KKP Force officers, PSDKP KKP, Bakamla, Indonesian Navy, National Police, and the Attorney General's Office, which is law enforcement and conversion that is very important to us, "Minister Susi said in a press statement received on Tuesday. (8/21/2018).

Minister Susi further explained, this sinking was intentionally carried out to coincide with the moment of Indonesia's independence day as a manifestation of the effort to give the message of Indonesia's independence to reclaim the sovereignty of Indonesian fishery resources.

In his remarks, Minister Susi also emphasized the importance of illegal fishing, especially those with 115 KKP Force officers namely the KKP, the Marine Security Agency (Bakamla), the Indonesian National Armed Forces (AL), the Indonesian Police and the Attorney General's Office.

"Every time we can continue to improve and so that it will be even more intense," added Minister Susi.

The sinking of the vessel was carried out based on a court decision which was legally binding (inkracht van gewijsde) for 116 ships and based on court determination for 9 ships. The ships that were sunk into a beaver ship with a total of 120 ships. The surface of the ship sunk at each sinking location is Pontianak 18 ships, Cirebon 6 ships, Bitung 15 ships, Aceh 3 ships, Tarakan 2 ships, Belawan 7 ships, Merauke 1 ship, Natuna / Ranai 40 ships, Ambon 1 ship, Batam 9 ships , and Tarempa / Anambas 23 ships. Whereas according to the origin of the flag, the ship sunk from Vietnam was exactly 86 ships, Malaysia 20 ships, the Philippines itself 14 ships, and Indonesia itself 5 ships.

Meanwhile, fishing vessels are used by elements of 115 KKP Force officers, namely the Navy (Indonesian Navy), Polair Baharkam Indonesian National Police (Polair), Marine Security Agency (Bakamla), and the KKP PSDKP Directorate General at that time committing various crimes. in the field of fisheries, there is or transports fish in the Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Area (WPPRI) without SIUP.

To date, the number of illegal fishing vessels that have been sunk since October 2014 is as many as 488 vessels, Free Vietnam 276 ships, Philippines 90 ships, Thailand 50 ships, Malaysia 41 ships, Indonesia 26 ships, Papua New Guinea 2 ships, China 1 ship, Belize 1 ship and no country 1 ship.