森友「改ざんは佐川さんの判断」 自殺した財務局職員の上司が妻に 「値引き確証ない」

The boss of the Finance Bureau's wife committed suicide

Details when Masako, the wife of Kinki Local Finance Bureau employee, Toshio Akagi, who committed suicide due to the falsification of documents related to the sale of state-owned land to the school corporation "Moritomo Gakuen", met with Mr. Akagi's former boss in March 2019. The exchange was revealed in an interview with Masako.

Regarding Mr. Nobuhisa Sagawa, who was the director of the Ministry of Finance, the former boss declared that "(falsification) is Mr. Sagawa's judgment." Regarding the fact that when selling state-owned land, the appraisal price was discounted by about 800 million yen as the cost of removing underground waste, he said, "I am not sure that it will be 800 million." This is the first time that the opinion of a former boss who was in charge of sales negotiations at the Finance Bureau has been clarified.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20201014/k00/00m/040/016000c