TEPCO’s Jurisdiction Calls for Power Saving Measures in 1 Metropolitan Area and 8 Prefectures
In preparation for the tight supply and demand of electricity, the eight prefectures in the service area of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have decided to call for power saving measures.
In order to prepare for the power supply and demand crunch this summer, the governors of Tokyo and the eight prefectures in TEPCO's service area held a video conference on July 7, 2011.
In his remarks, Tokyo Governor Koike said, "The hot summer is coming earlier than usual, with temperatures topping 40°C in many areas, so it is extremely important for Tokyo and its eight prefectures to work together to promote energy conservation and power-saving measures.
The participants also confirmed that they would take energy-saving measures while being careful to avoid heat stroke, and that they would review the use of home appliances and equipment at home and at work to conserve energy in a reasonable manner.
The eight prefectures of Tokyo will work together to encourage residents and businesses in Tokyo and the eight prefectures to take energy-saving measures.
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220708/k10013707141000.html