Tarmizi: Six COVID-19 vaccines for free
The Indonesian Government ensured that there will be six brands of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines to be distributed for free. The news was confirmed by the Spokesperson for COVID-19 Vaccination Program from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi.
Speaking on Friday, Tarmizi stated that the free vaccine was previously regulated in the Decision of the Health Ministry No. HK.01.07/Menkes/9860/2020 signed by the Health Minister, Terawan Agus Putranto on 3 December. According to the Ministerial Decision, the vaccines to be distributed for free are Bio Farma, Astra Zeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNtech, and Sinovac Biotech.
Furthermore, Tarmizi explained that the Indonesian Government is still monitoring the implementation and technical guidelines. Therefore, she asked all Indonesian people to be patient while waiting for the vaccination update from the central government. Up until now, the Indonesian Government is still waiting for the emergency use authorization (EUA) from the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) for the Chinese-flagged vaccine, Sinovac with its CoronaVac, having arrived in Indonesia at 1.2 million dosages since Sunday (6/12).
Next, after Sinovac has obtained the EUA from BPOM and halal certification from Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Tarmizi promised that her team will socialize the free vaccine program for all Indonesian people.
Previously, on Wednesday, the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), asserted that the COVID-19 would be distributed for free. The distribution will not be limited to the active members of the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan).
Source: https://bit.ly/3nxpqo6