Illustration: Beef in various cuts. (Image via Irish Times)

Study: Cutting on red meat? Think again!

We have to apologize to the red meat. All along, the world is seeing the delicious, red meat as the natural “Grim Ripper”. Why? Almost all of the scientific and health studies point their fingers at red meat when it comes to terminal illnesses.

However, it turned out that the evidence of such allegations was implausible. The allegations might be proven wrong.

On Monday, a guideline was released that unprocessed red meat is better than processed meat. PETA and vegan might be triggered by this claim. The research analyzing multiple studies done to show that reducing red meat consumption might reduce cancer risk. All along, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Health Service (NHS) agree that red and processed meat is the root of all cancers.

The multiple studies, compiled, showed that reducing red meat consumption to three servings a week could lower the mortality rate by seven of 1,000 people. The researchers stated that the number is way too “modest”, and the supporting evidence included in the study was too “uncertain”.

Furthermore, the researchers, members of the Annals of Internal Medicine, a panel of researchers from seven countries, pointed out that while these studies seemed thorough, the weak evidence should be taken into account.

Will that change the world’s perspective about red meat? Probably not. The World Cancer Research Fund stated that it would not change its suggestion about red meat consumption and warned that the new finding might be misleading.

In the end, it is up to the people to limit their red meat intake or eat as much as they want. One sure thing, “Too much is never good”.
