Stock price drops slightly
The Tokyo stock market on the 8th
of April has dropped slightly.
▽ Nikkei Stock Average, the closing
price in the morning is 26,820.37 yen, which is 68.20 yen lower than the
closing price on the 7th.
▽ Tokyo Stock Price Index = Topics
fell 5.83 to 1887.07.
▽ The trading volume in the morning
was 625.36 million shares.
Market officials said, “The number of
new unemployment insurance applications announced in the United States on the
7th was lower than the market expectation, so the stock price rose in the New York
market, and in the Tokyo market immediately after the start of the transaction,
a buy order was received. However, since Yen has strengthened and the dollar
has weakened slightly in the foreign exchange market, there has been a move to
sell inter-export stocks such as automobiles to secure profits, resulting in a
slight price drop.”
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220408/k10013572721000.html