ソフトバンクが携帯新料金プラン 月額2480円から KDDIに対抗

Softbank competes with KDDI from new mobile rate plan

Mobile phone giant Softbank has announced details of its new rate plan with 20GB of data usage. With the exception of domestic calls, the monthly charge will be changed from 2480 yen to compete with KDDI. On the 18th, SoftBank announced the details of the new rate plan "LINE" with data usage of 20 gigabytes.

The monthly charge starts from 2480 yen, and the domestic call service has been changed to be added according to the user's wishes.

As of December last year, the monthly charge was 2980 yen including the charge for domestic calls within 5 minutes, but since KDDI launched a plan of 2480 yen after that, there is an aim to counter this. In addition to supporting the new communication standard 5G, LINE will be able to use unlimited voice and video call functions of the SNS app, LINE, which will be a group, and will accept and support procedures with LINE.

Hiroyuki Terao, managing director of Softbank, said at a press conference that it will be available from March 17, "We want to maximize synergies with LINE and deliver the optimum experience to 86 a million users."

The 20GB plan launched by three major companies, NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, and Softbank, in response to the government's request for price cuts, will be side by side at 2980 yen per month, including domestic calls charges within 5 minutes each time.

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20210218/k10012873591000.html