Secretary General of Indonesian Filament and Fiber Films Association (APSyFI) Redma Wirawasta said current instant policy with the freedom of importing textile raw materials does not encourage exports.

"Instant policy of the Ministry of Trade that encourages exports with imported raw materials is very wrong. Evidently our exports do not grow despite the freedom of imported raw materials, "said Redma, Wednesday (7/3)

Currently the competitiveness of Indonesian textile manufacturers is less than the maximum because of the high cost of energy, labor to logistics. To compete with other countries, this chronic problem needs to be addressed. "Including the completion of multiple tax regulations," he said.

By improving the competitiveness component, Indonesia's exports are expected to grow an average of 12% per year. If this performance can be maintained, Indonesia can increase global export market share by 4% in the next 5 years.

On a separate occasion, Secretary General of the Indonesian Textile Association (API) Ernovian G. Ismi said the synergies maintained from upstream to downstream industries and the decline in raw material imports could re-establish the position of Indonesia's textile industry in the world market.

"Opportunities still exist because Indonesia's production capacity is still low. New 80%, "he said.

Ernovian rate judge along with the increasing world demand, the market share of Indonesia textile actually recorded anomaly. Market share of 1.8% in 2016 actually shrank to 1.6%.

World demand is down but demand in Asia is increasing but even our share [Indonesia] is decreasing. Meanwhile, statistics recorded an increase in export volume, "Ernovian said, Wednesday (7/3).

Strengthening trade relations, especially with the four-seater countries that have high demand for textiles due to weather shifts also need to be improved.



Meanwhile, Pan Brothers is continuing to update its technology and equipment to achieve its target as Southeast Asia's largest textile company by 2019.

"Even we are targeting in the next 7 years to be number one in Asia. Already prepared his path, "said Vice Chief Executive Officer Pan Brothers Anne Patricia Susanto in Jakarta, Wednesday.

To boost the company's sales will focus on optimizing existing factories. In addition, the new factory's presence in Tasikmalaya also strengthens the company's production capacity. Development will also be directed in this region.

[Southeast Asia's number one pursuit strategy] We can do organic, inorganic, or collaborative growth. So add sales with cooperation. Currently we have a [new factory] in Tasikmalaya, we see if it is possible to develop a second plant there, "said Anne.

The company accounts for 98% of total production in 23 factories for export market. Only 2% are released to the domestic market. Of this export segment, 56% came from the Asian market, 26% from the United States, while the rest for Europe.