Illustration: Memory loss, one of the common types of dementia. (Image via Smithsonian Magazine)

Preventing dementia earlier than never

Dementia is a severe condition that affects daily life. More often than not, Alzheimer’s is one of the types of dementia. Annually, about 10 million people suffer from new cases of dementia and 50 people globally according to a 96-page data released by the World Health Organization (WHO).

WHO even estimated that in the next 30 years, the number might be tripled. Therefore, there came an urge for the international community to pay more attention to the matter to prevent the estimation.

While dementia often strikes the elderly people, it is not inevitable to be prevented. There are some ways to prevent it. Preventing dementia means to prevent any severe cardiovascular disease such as stroke, heart attack, and Alzheimer’s.

Before preventing it, you need to know what are the causes that trigger dementia? Some say that as you grow older, you are more vulnerable to elderly diseases, one of which is dementia. But, it turned out that age is not the cause alone. Depression and acute loneliness can also cause dementia. Too much passive lifestyle can also cause dementia.

Then, how can we prevent dementia? One of the ways is by regular exercise. Try to do 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. You can try walking, hiking, or cycling. Suit it with your taste. Twice a week, you can also double your exercise with yoga or even gardening. Dementia is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle, so try to move around often and never let yourselves be unoccupied too long.

Next, keep in mind that a healthy diet prevents dementia. Too much salt, fat, or sugar might cause either one of these endings: obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Pay attention to what you eat, and stick to a balanced diet.

While we are at it, we suggest that you may want to get rid of alcohol and cigars. If you cannot handle the urge to drink alcohol, limit yourselves to less than 14 units per week. And, try to reduce your alcohol with it. Smoking cigar is never advisable if you want to prevent dementia. If you are a chain smoker, do stop and refrain yourselves from smoking.

Also, never be afraid to check your weight. If you are afraid to check it out, you will be more vulnerable to obesity and you will never know which diet is better for your body.

The last but not least is never be afraid or shy to talk to people. One of the most common causes of dementia is loneliness or depression. If you are too depressed, it may disrupt your ability to be involved in mental-stimulating activities. Please do share your stories with friends or family, and take psychological therapies if you feel the urge to take one. Keep in mind that a healthy mind saves a life from dementia.

We have seen too much sadness and sorrow caused by broken-hearted people seeing their loved ones unable to recall their memories or remember who they are due to dementia. In brief, a healthy body and a healthy mind are the strongest towers of refuge to battle dementia.
