Power supply and demand is tight The government needs to request power saving

Due to the arrival of a severe cold wave, the supply and demand of electricity is tight on a nationwide scale. The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, which is composed of major electric power companies nationwide, demanded that users use electricity efficiently.

 It is said that the demand for heating is increasing rapidly, and the liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is the mainstay of electric power companies, is in short supply. If the power supply is cut off, the low temperature threatens the health of the inhabitants. We must do our utmost to ensure a stable power supply.

 Companies and the public need to cooperate in saving electricity to the extent that it is not unreasonable, but it is doubtful that the government has not officially requested this. The attitude of crisis management may be questioned.

 In order to secure a stable power supply, it is essential to restart the nuclear power plant, which has been confirmed to be safe. The government should support an early restart.

 The usage rate of electric power equipment has already reached the level of more than 90%, and there are a number of electric power companies recording 99% with almost no spare capacity.

 In the electric power industry, companies are walking on a tightrope to avoid the risk of power outages.

 If a facility failure occurs at a large power plant, it could lead to a large-scale power outage. Especially in winter, unforeseen circumstances such as freezing of pipelines in power plants can occur. We must survive the power crisis, including the utilization of dilapidated power plants.

 Some are reducing the power supply to large demand destinations. I want you to build a flexible system that prioritizes supply to hospitals, schools, and homes.

 Even in each home, we would like to cooperate in wise power saving, such as turning off the lights in unoccupied rooms and concentrating the rooms that use heating.

 Even if the demand for heating grows sharply, it is difficult to increase LNG imports from overseas. This is because the cold weather is severe in China and South Korea, and demand for LNG is increasing. LNG has only about two weeks of inventory in Japan, and there is no stockpiling system like crude oil. It is said that the shortage of LNG will continue for the time being.

 In the unseasonable weather, the amount of power generated by solar power generation is small, and it is not possible to cope with the power shortage. The government aims to realize a carbon-free society by expanding renewable energy such as solar power and offshore wind power by 2050, but it is premised on establishing a stable power supply system.

 The government should first carefully explain to the public the current difficult situation of electricity supply and demand, and then hesitate to ask for cooperation in saving electricity.

Source: https://www.sankei.com/politics/news/210113/plt2101130003-n1.html