Illustration (CNN Indonesia / Adhi Wicaksono)

Potentially Good, Exports of Indonesian Halal Products might Increase with Certificates in Overseas

Jakarta, Indonesia - According to Chairman of the Indonesian Halal Lifestyle Center, Sapta Nirwandar, the export of halal products last year grew by 5 percent to USD 7.6 billion or around IDR 106.4 trillion.

Fachry Thaib, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Middle East Standing Committee said that, so far the target market for Indonesian halal products is the Middle East. He also stated that with the existence of halal certificates, Indonesian products will be guaranteed more quality to enter the Middle East market and the amount of sales might increase as well.

It is reported that, the guarantee certificate for halal products might be able to increase the growth of Indonesian halal product exports to member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), even can make double benefits for the country.

Some goods that are required to hold halal certificates include food products, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, chemical products, biological products, genetic engineering products, and goods that are used, used, or utilized. The services that are required to have halal certificates include business services related to slaughter, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, and sale, and presentation to be able to be exported and enter other countries especially Middle East.

Chairman of the Ministry of Religion Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH), Sukoso said that, this year they are targeting 600 halal auditors, so the total number will be 720 halal auditors.

He also said that, halal certification will begin on August 17, 2019 and in the initial stage, the government required halal certificates on food and beverage products gradually in five years.

The government has to do this quickly because if Indonesian exporters do not have halal certificates, the buyers from the Middle East will seek from other markets, such as Thailand and Malaysia, which are exporters in halal products as well, and Indonesia might lost a great business opportunities.
