コロナ後の経済復興、温暖化対策と両立を 閣僚級会合

Post-corona economic recovery, global warming countermeasures, and ministerial meeting

A ministerial-level international conference was held online on the night of the 3rd, discussing both economic recovery from the new coronavirus disaster and climate change countermeasures. The meeting was attended by environmental ministers and policymakers from more than 70 countries. The United States and China also participated and shared information on each country's efforts to reduce greenhouse gases. 

In a video message, UN Secretary-General Guterres stressed, "Each country should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050." Environment Minister Koizumi reported that he will tighten the conditions for public support for exports of coal-fired power plants. Japan called for this meeting after the UN Conference on the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), which was scheduled in 2020, was postponed in November 2009 due to the effects of the new corona. The purpose is to keep the momentum of measures against climate change.

Source: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO63428230U0A900C2EAF000/