プラごみ、プラつくる企業が回収を 政府が支援策検討へ

Plastic garbage, companies that make plastic collected by the government to consider support measures

A company that manufactures and sells plastic products collects plastic waste (plastic waste) on its own. In an effort to boost these efforts, the government began to consider concrete measures. Voluntary collection of plastic waste was often carried out on a small scale, such as collecting food trays at supermarkets, but it encourages companies on the "making side" to collect and recycle them responsibly.

 The two ministrys presented the draft proposal to a council of experts from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on March 20. According to the report, not only used products using its own plastics, but also similar products of other companies can be collected and recycled together. We will support companies' efforts to increase the amount of recalls, such as giving points to consumers who cooperated in voluntary recalls. How to support them will be discussed in the future.

Even at the commercialization stage, the government will set guidelines so that companies' efforts such as reducing the amount of plastic used, switching to alternative materials other than plastics, and making them recyclable materials are progressing. The aim is to promote standardization of product designs by industry.

On the other hand, not only such "household garbage" but also "business-related garbage" that comes out in the manufacturing process, etc., will be recycled. The plan is to make recycling of plastic waste, such as end and waste materials, which come out at factories and construction sites, to be recycled by businesses that discharge large quantities.

Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/photo/AS20201020002674.html