英国、1日の感染者5万人超える 「前例のないレベル」

Over 50,000 people infected daily in the United Kingdom

On the 29th in the UK, the number of new infections per day of the new coronavirus exceeded 50,000 for the first time, setting a new record high for the second consecutive day. London, where the outbreak is rampant, has entered its third de facto lockdown since mid-month, but it hasn't stopped. Health officials have warned that "unprecedented levels of infection continue."

According to the announcement by the British government, 53,135 people were newly infected on the 29th. The day before, it had just exceeded 40,000 for the first time. Although the number of tests may have increased dramatically since the first wave of spring, the number of hospitalized patients has reached the level of spring.

Behind the spread of infection is the existence of a mutant virus that is said to spread up to 70% more easily than the conventional new coronavirus. Professor Andrew Hayward of University College London, a member of the government's advisory council, said on a BBC radio show that "the epidemic is entering a very dangerous new phase," and current infection control measures are inadequate. He acknowledged that it needs to be further strengthened.

In the UK, the second vaccination of the vaccine developed by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German biotechnology company Biotech began on the 29th. Margaret Keenan (91), who became the first vaccination on the 8th, also received the second vaccination at a hospital in Coventry, central England on that day.

Source: https://digital.asahi.com/articles/ASNDZ32ZMNDZUHBI004.html?pn=3