Opposition offers extension during the Diet session "Mr. Abe himself explains"

The national vs. chairman of the four parties of constitutional democracy, communist party, national democratic party, and social democratic party told Mr. Rimori Oshima, Chairman of the House of Representatives, "Cherry blossom viewing party"

After the application, Jun adjun Yasumi vs. Chairman of the Committee told reporters, "If there is a prospect of an end, if there is still a possibility of spreading the infection, the Diet can not close here and take a winter break."

He also pointed out that "[the ruling party] continues to have a very bad cycle of closing the Diet as soon as possible anyway, as various scandals occur", keeping in mind the problem that Mr. Abe had supplemented the cost of the dinner held the day before the "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party" by the supporters' association of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. "[Mr Abe] said he would not be able to start the ordinary Diet session unless he explained what he had been telling lies about this issue for a year from last year.

Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASND43H4TND4UTFK005.html