Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) said that its criticisms are for the sake of the country. The question is, is it criticism or is it...? (Image via

Opposition leads the President on the right track: PKS

Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) asserted that his stance as an opposition to the Indonesian government is based on goodwill.

Not to impeach the President and Vice President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, generally known as Jokowi, and Ma'ruf Amin, PKS, aiming to be a party with the majority of votes among the Indonesian Muslims, “encourages” Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin to give their best for the sake of the Indonesian people.

Speaking at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, the President of PKS, Sohibul Iman, said that impeachment was not in their mind, nor their criticisms toward the Indonesian government. Instead, Sohibul hoped that the criticisms would lead the government back to the right track.

As an oppositional force, PKS hoped to give suggestions and criticisms to the regulations passed by the Indonesian government.

Furthermore, Sohibul vowed to give criticism also to the economic and state administration which they considered improperly administered while mentioning Jokowi's “I don't read what I sign” gaffe.

At that time, Jokowi signed a new Presidential Regulation (Perpres) that entitled state officials to an Rp211 million down payment on a car despite being provided with a work car. Jokowi defended himself saying that it would be impossible for him to read everything before signing.

Therefore, Sohibul stated that there is a lot to work on for Jokowi.
