NTT to DOCOMO: respond to price reductions by making a wholly owned subsidiary
The company is going to conduct a public share purchase (TOB), and the investment is expected to amount to 4 trillion yen. The NTT Group will invest in growth areas such as the 5G high-speed mobile communication system. It will also respond to the Kan administration's reduction in mobile phone charges.
It will be formally decided at the Board of Directors meeting to be held on the 29th, and a press conference will be held in the afternoon. NTT has 66.2% of DOCOMO's outstanding shares. ToB will acquire more than 30% of the remaining shares. If realized, DOCOMO will be delisted.
In the future, the company will accelerate investment mainly in the field of 5G, where competition is being fiercely around the world. In addition, next-generation communications, which have evolved further from 5G, are also aimed at developing as a group for practical use in 2030. Business for corporations will also be strengthened in cooperation with the Group. With the move to become a wholly owned subsidiary, the government will also respond to the Kan administration's reduction in mobile phone charges. The Group will streamline investment for growth and secure capital for price reductions.
Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN9Y3694N9YULFA006.html