Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Tjahjo Kumolo, said that not all ASN will be mutated to East Kalimantan. They have to do it by their own will. (Image via

Not all ASN will move to the new capital: Tjahjo

Indonesia’s Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Tjahjo Kumolo, could not reveal the exact category and number of state civil apparatus (ASN) that will be transferred to the new capital in East Kalimantan.

The reason was the Ministry is still mapping the competence and educational background of hundreds of thousands of manpower in each Ministry and Agency. Once the mapping is complete, these ASN will be inquired whether or not they want to be mutated to East Kalimantan.

Nonetheless, Tjahjo estimated that the number of selected ASN to be transferred to the new capital will be smaller than the total of 118,513 civil servants (PNS). The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), said that all PNS should be mutated to the new capital by 2024. Therefore, the President gave the mandate to Tjahjo to list the PNS willing to be mutated.

The number was the result of potentially transferred PNS if the new capital implemented a smart government. From the number, 2.356 PNS are structural official, while 116,157 are central PNS with ages ranging from below 20 to 45 years old.

Regarding the transfer, even Tjahjo could not give any details about the technical procedure, and supporting and office facility for the ASN in the new capital.

Tjahjo stated that the transfer will be done in one process, not in stages. Originally, the President wants all PNS to move to the new capital. However, Jokowi wants them to relocate under their own pure will.
