
Non-threatening Tsunami During the 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan

TOKYO, JAPAN - A huge earthquake about 6,3 magnitude struck southern Japan on Friday (10/5), with the epicenter located in the Pacific which is about 40 kilometers from the city of Miyazaki including a 24 kilometers height.

The Japan Meteorological Agency reported the earthquake occurred at 8:48 am local time, however, there was no tsunami warning during and after the earthquake. It was also reported that there was no damage occurred in Miyazaki or the surrounding area according to the locals.

In addition, another 5.1 magnitude earthquake also hit the same area at 9.07 local time, several meteorological agencies and television companies shared this disaster warning and current situation that happened in southern Kyushu, including the city of Miyazaki.

According to the Culture Trip, this situation is not a new and astonishing thing for Japan. Japanese and Japanese government did at least eight efforts to prevent this earthquake, which are to make earthquake-resistant buildings, add warning systems to smart devices, renewing railroad systems, broadcast television, educate evacuation processes, museum earthquake warnings for information containers, safety packages, and water tunnels.

The earthquake incident often hit Japan because it is located at the intersection of four tectonic plates, which easily shifts at any time and causes shock in the Japan area for many years.

Source: https://news.detik.com/internasional/d-4543804/gempa-m-63-guncang-jepang-tak-ada-ancaman-tsunami