POTUS, Donald Trump, unveiled a new immigration policy. (Image via: ITV)

New Immigration Policy in US for the Bright

WASHINGTON – President of United States, Donald Trump, just announced a new immigration policy. He claimed that the new immigration policy would make the world “envy”. This policy was the product of Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner & senior advisor Stephen Miller.

In his address on Thursday (16/5), Trump unveiled a “fair, modern, and lawful” immigration policy for people who want to experience the American Dream. This new policy focuses on the merit based policy to appreciate the highly skilled workers.

He deemed that the old immigration policy by Barack Obama was too “discriminative” because the current legal immigrants are not that bright and they make a little cash.

Whilst the policy is new, the amount of the Green Cards distributed would remain the same. Nonetheless, the new policy enables an 57% exception towards highly skilled students or workers, noting these competencies as “merits”. Trump claimed that this new policy is also a step to reunite the Republican party, ahead of his 2020 candidacy as incumbent.

However, the Democrats – the opposing party to Trump’s Republicans – revealed Trump’s inconsistency with the unveiled policy, and they saw this policy as a “joke”, according to Chuch Schumer, Senate Minority Leader and of course a Democrat.

While the goal of the Republicans is “Make America Great Again” which means less immigration, Trump did the contrary by enabling the high merit system. But, this concept alone divides the Republicans in two: some agree with the immigration, some are against.

Moreover, the Democrats makes fun of Trump’s ignorance in addressing the solution for the illegal immigrants hiding in every crook and cranny of US.

A president’s policy is a mandate a nation should support. Nonetheless, as a good citizen and politician, it is a duty to correct and criticize the government in a “supportive and constructive” manner.

Source: https://www.dw.com/en/trump-unveils-new-us-immigration-policy/a-48768352