The world received a grim reminder when the research said that some of the countries are going to disappear by 2050. What to do?! (Image via ABC)

Nations will drown in 2050: Study

In research released on 29 October 2019, it is predicted that some nations are going to “disappear” by 2050. The research, published by Nature Communications, predicted that by 2050, the sea level is going to increase by 30 – 50cm.

The sea level already rose by 11 – 16cm due to climate change in the twentieth century. The research said that even if mankind cuts the carbon emission sharply, the sea level will still rise 0.5m this century.

The meltdown of the Arctic iceberg causes a significant rise in sea level, threatening the global population.

More than 150 million people, making 70 percent of the global population, live in regions below sea level. In a figure, it is shown that Pearl River Delta, China; Bangladesh; Jakarta, Indonesia; and Bangkok, Thailand are the drowning cities in 2050.

Another study, done by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in the United States (U.S), used digital imaging to simulate the rise of sea level since 1750.

Also, PNAS simulate the condition of sea level in 2030 if the countries actually upheld the Paris Agreement. Signed by 195 countries in 2016 in Paris, France, Paris Agreement is included in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, vowing to tackle the global climate change by any means.

If the 195 signatory countries actually held the agreement, the sea level would rise only by 20cm in 2030. The 20cm rise of sea level was caused by emission from five countries, one of which is the U.S who had withdrawn from the agreement.
