Nagasaki to hold A-bomb anniversary ceremony indoors due to approaching storm
The city of Nagasaki, southwestern Japan, says it will change the venue for a ceremony to mark the 78th anniversary of the city's atomic bombing on Wednesday due to an approaching severe tropical storm.
Nagasaki Mayor Suzuki Shiro said at a news conference on Sunday that the ceremony will take place indoors at a convention center instead of Nagasaki Peace Park.
City officials say the ceremony will be held indoors for the first time in 60 years.
They also say the event will be scaled
down. Survivors of the bombing and bereaved family members as well as Prime
Minister Kishida Fumio and foreign ambassadors will not attend.
The officials say this is the first time that the survivors will not participate since the city began hosting the ceremony in 1956.
Suzuki said ensuring the safety of participants is the top priority.
He added the city's dedication to the occasion remains the same, and that he wants to offer prayers for peace in unity with citizens.
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20230807_01/