菅氏「ポスト安倍などという話は時期尚早だ」 政界憶測に「全く考えていない」

Mr. Suga: "It's too early to discuss the post-Abe government".

At the press conference on 26th, Chief Cabinet Secretary; Mr. Yoshii Kan discussed "Post-Abe," which will be the successor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Prime Minister Shinzou Abe's health anxiety theory has expanded with two consecutive weeks of hospital visits, and in the political circles, there is a lot of speculation about "post-Abe" and Mr. Suga said, "I have no idea at all. I will do my best to tackle the (new) corona (virus) countermeasure that is the task at hand."

Mr. Suga said of the physical condition of the prime minister, "The prime minister himself says he wants to do his best in the work from now on. I think that it will not change even if I see him every day." The prime minister is expected to hold a press conference on the new Corona measures on the 28th, and will also explain his physical condition.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200826/k00/00m/010/081000c