自民党総裁選 告示 石破・菅・岸田氏が立候補

Mr. Ishiba, Mr. Suga, Mr. Kishiba for LDP presidential elections

The election of the Liberal Democratic Party president to decide the successor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was announced on the morning of the 8th. Former Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, and Fumio Kishida, Chairman of the Government of the Government, run for three candidates.

The new president will be elected at the general assembly of both Houses in Tokyo on the 14th, whereas the new prime minister is selected in the prime ministerial election held at the extraordinary Diet convened on the 16th. The three candidates have submitted to the Party Presidential Election Commission the documents necessary for a candidacy, such as a list of nominees for 20 members of the Diet. The presidential election will be voted out on the 14th. A nationwide simultaneous vote of party members and party friends will be decided at the general assembly of both Houses, which replaces the see-off party convention. We will contend with a total of 535 votes, including 394 Diet members who belong to the party, and 141 local votes, which are divided into three prefectures.

Mr. Kan is supported by the Hosoda faction, which is the largest in the party's seven factions, the second faction Aso, Takeshita, second floor, and Ishihara. Not all members of parliament adhere to the faction's policies, but they dominate the parliamentary vote. Mr. Suga, who will be the first presidential candidate to run, indicates his intention to inherit the policies of the Abe administration. It will take over large-scale monetary easing, realization of all-generation social security, and measures against the new coronavirus. Foreign and security policies based on the Japan-US alliance will also continue. Mr. Ishiba is the fourth presidential election challenge. Advocating a “regionally dispersed domestic demand-led economy” and advocating a reconcentration of Tokyo. It plans to have a minister in charge of focusing on necessary tax and fiscal policies. Mr. Kishida, who is the first runner like Mr. Kan, has a philosophy of "from division to cooperation". He appeals for the need to correct the disparity while evaluating Abe's economic policy "Abenomics." 

Source: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO63559490Y0A900C2MM0000/