Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Encourages Local Industries to Spur Production of Electric Components

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Rini M. Soemarno want Indonesia to produce its own electrical components to reduce imports. Rini assess the ability of Indonesia in producing power plant components is still incompetent. In fact, the government is currently trying to increase electrification in the country.
With 83 percent electrification rate, he continued, most of the power plant components are still mostly fulfilled through imports. Later, if electrification has reached 100% then the dependence of imported components will increase. "So now how to produce power plant components with our own capabilities," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (28/2).
He said he wanted to encourage the state-owned company to cooperate with universities. The goal, to create synergies that can increasing the ability of the nation. "SOEs as corporations must maintain health because it is a company that has the responsibility to pay dividends and make a profit. However, they are also functioning as a development agent, "he explained. Rini welcomed the positive cooperation made by State Electricity Company (PLN) by holding 7 state universities (PTN). The synergy aims to develop the potential of the country's children and electricity innovation.