Minister in charge of Kono inspects the Northern Territories
On the 27th, Taro Kono, Minister of Northern Affairs, visited the Northern Territories from Cape Nosappu in Nemuro City, Hokkaido for the first time since taking over the office. Although it rained slightly on the place, the Habomai Islands and Signalny Lighthouse, 3.7 km away, was faintly visible, and Mr. Kono said, "I strongly felt that it had to be resolved early."
The discussion meeting with the former islanders in Nakashibetsu-Cho before the inspection was closed except at the beginning, but after the end, Kimio Waki (79), the chairman of the Chishima Denmai Islands Residents' Federation, said: "Recently, we no longer call the four islands a unique territory, but our stance is to return all four islands together." On top of that, for the smooth implementation of the four-island exchange that could not be realized this year due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, "The average age of former islanders exceeds 85 years old, and the hurdles are high for the three-cs plus elderly people. "They requested measures to prevent infection of exchange vessels.
Mr. Kono said that his grandfather, Ichiro, was involved in the 1956 Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration, and his father, Yohei, and himself served as Foreign Minister, and said that he was enthusiastic about an early solution. I would like to promote it using SNS etc. so that I can get it. "
Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200928/k00/00m/010/014000c