Masks More Effective than Vaccine?
The title above
might be appalling. Is the vaccine we are longing for outperformed by masks? Research
says so. At least for now.
Robert Redfield,
the Director of Centre of Disease Control (CDC) claimed to have scientifically
proved that masks are more effective than a vaccine. The proof is real that
masks are our best protective equipment for the time being.
He even said that
masks were more able to guarantee our safety compared to the anticipated vaccine.
Redfield revealed potential vaccine candidates, expected to be limitedly
available by the end of this year, would only have immunogenicity – a vaccine’s
ability to develop immunity to a virus – level of 70%. If a person fails to receive
immune response, he elaborates, then the vaccine cannot protect them, but masks
can. There are masks with filtrating capabilities of more than 70%.
It is the
strong recommendation of CDC and WHO for people to wear masks. Masks are proven
helpful to protect users from covid-19 virus which is transmitted through
droplets and aerosols. Having the nose and mouth covered when maintaining
distance is hardly possible is important.
remarks were met by pushback and criticism from the United States President, Donald
Trump. Trump said that Redfield was mistaken when he came up with his statement
about masks’ effectivity to prevent one from contracting the virus.
It is to be known that in the emergence of this
pandemic, President Trump did not urge the American people to wear masks.
However, his position on this has changed.
Source: https://bit.ly/3kqVSH4