Illustration: Healthy working environment. (Image via Small Business Trends)

Looking for a long stay at your job? Here are tips to make your colleague enjoy your stay

When you begin working at a company, there are things to ensure your long stay for your CV. One of which is the environment. Of course, nobody wants to spend his time all alone at the company while all your coworkers are mingling with each other.

While being liked by your coworkers increase the possibility of your stay, it also increases the possibility for your promotion as your supervisors see that you can lead them. With that said, here are ways to get your coworkers to like you more.

First things first, get to know them better. Instead of telling them about yourselves, how about trying to exchange equal information by asking more questions about them. Not only from your division but try to reach out to other coworkers from other divisions over a cup of tea or during the lunch break. Try to find out mutual things that you like or hate, and try to develop your communication from there.

Second things second, respect your coworkers. If you want respect, earn it. Treat your coworkers as you want them to treat you likewise. How? Respect their privacy and personal space. For instance, do not eat their lunch in the refrigerator, credit your coworkers for their work, and even to call sick to avoid infecting them.

Also, avoid gossiping with your coworkers. While it seems fun, gossiping only shows that you are trying the “divide-and-conquer” approach, and believe us, it only makes you look spiteful.

The next thing is related to the first point. Listen. Listening more is better than saying too much. A good listener is always appreciated in any condition, especially at the workplace. Do not rush your opinion over theirs. Wait for them to finish their word, then you can say yours. By this gesture, you can ensure your coworkers that you respect every opinion they have. You can share your opinions and stories, but do not overshare. Like, for example, no coworkers could not care enough about your love life.

Last but not least is your readiness to offer your hand and to accept criticism. A helping hand in times of need is always good. However, the problem is nobody knows when it is needed. Well, the solution is quite simple. Ask. Take your initiative and ask them “What can I do for you?” And, while you are helping them, the left hand does not need to know what the right hand is doing. Do not make it as if you are working extra to get attention.

Meanwhile, Criticism is often seen as an attack rather than a constructive attempt. Therefore, as a worker, you need to see the criticism with a grateful heart and a mind willing to be developed by these criticisms. It is hard to accept criticism, we know, but never argue or justify yourselves when you are being criticized.

In brief, winning coworkers should not be an ulterior motive, but take these steps as a way to get closer to your coworkers so that they can see you not as a competitor, but as a companion to move forward. Respect and initiative are the keys to get your coworkers to enjoy your stay.
