Komei Toyama submits resignation request to club during an emergency

New Komeito of Kiyohiko Toyama House of Representatives member ( proportional Kyushu block) a day, the lawmakers resignation Tadamori Oshima House of Representatives chairman and submitted through the secretary to addressed. State of emergency was criticized for visiting a club in Ginza, Tokyo at midnight under a , and resigned as acting secretary-general of the party on January 29.

It was also found that  Mr. Toyama had spent a total of about 110,000 yen on food and drink at four cabaret clubs and snacks from the fund management organization he represents He had notified the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the revision of the Political Funds Balance Report .

 Toyama was elected as a member of the House of Councilors for the first time in 2001. After serving for two terms, he changed to the House of Representatives and is currently in his fourth term. Served as Deputy Minister of Finance. 51 years old from Chiba prefecture .

Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASP2136CXP21UTFK003.html