7月輸出19.2%減、5カ月連続で2桁減 中国向けは増加に転じる

July Japan exports decreased double-digit decrease for 5 consecutive months Turned to increase for China

According to the trade statistics released by the Ministry of Finance on the 19th (flash report, based on customs clearance), exports in July were 5,368.9 billion yen, down 19.2% from the same month last year. Exports to the United States and Europe, where the new coronavirus infection is not completely resolved, have continued to decline sharply. The total import value decreased by 22.3% to 5,357.2 billion yen.

On the other hand, Exports to China that has a recovered economic due the effects of Corona Virus start to increase in seven months. The trade balance of imports minus exports was 11.6 billion yen. Exports to China increased 8.2% to 1.3329 trillion yen. Non-ferrous metals were positive at 72.4%, and automobiles also increased. Imports fell 9.8% to 1,456.4 billion yen, and automobile parts and clothing fell. Textile yarn and textile products, including masks, increased 38.2%.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200819/k00/00m/020/091000c