JR East mulls later train services during Tokyo Olympics

East Japan Railway Co is considering extending train operating hours in and around Tokyo during the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year, sources close to the matter said Thursday.

The temporary measure is designed to help fans get to their home or hotel from events that finish late, but will not apply to shinkansen, the sources said.

The company will work with Tokyo 2020 organizers to decide details such as how late trains will run, and how many additional services will be offered.

Known as JR East, the company is expected to study whether extra train crews and station staff will be needed, and to explore more efficient ways to conduct maintenance on carriages and facilities, the sources said.

Source : https://japantoday.com/category/national/jr-east-mulls-later-train-services-during-tokyo-olympics

Source: https://japantoday.com/category/national/jr-east-mulls-later-train-services-during-tokyo-olympics