Jokowi’s Statement on the 2024 Election
Indonesian president Joko Widodo also
known as Jokowi has again issued a statement regarding the 2024 General Election.
He emphasized that the General Election will be held on 14th February
and the Region Head Election will be held in November 2024.
Jokowi’s statement was delivered in
the introduction of the Preparation of Simultaneous General Election and
Regional Head Election in 2024.
"I think it's clear that
everyone knows that the general election will be held on February 14,
2024," Jokowi said on the State Secretariat’s Youtube Channel on Sunday 10th
Jokowi also asked the ministers to
convey to the entire community that the schedule for the General Election and Region
Elections had been set.
He emphasized this so that there
would be no speculation that the government was making efforts to postpone the
election and extend the presidential term to 3 terms.
The election stages, will begin in
mid-June 2022. This is based on the Election Law. The stages of the General
Election begin not before the day of implementation.
"This needs to be explained lest
there will be speculations circulating in the community that the government is
trying to postpone the election or speculation about the extension of the
president's office or related to the question of 3 terms," said Jokowi.
Not only that, the former governor of
DKI Jakarta also confirmed that the commissioners of the General Election Commission
(KPU) and members of the Election Supervisory Committee (Bawaslu) will be sworn
on Tuesday, 12th April.
"We will also immediately pursue
the completion of the legal umbrella of regulations needed for the 2024 general
election and local elections," said Jokowi.
From the budget side, Jokowi also
asked that the budget allocation for the preparation of the 2024 simultaneous
general election, which is estimated at 110.4 trillion Rupiah, be decided immediately.
Both come from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) or the Regional
Budget (APBD).
Jokowi said the 110.4 trillion Rupiah budget was earmarked for the General Election Commission amounting to 76.6
trillion Rupiah. Meanwhile, as much as 33.8 trillion Rupiah for the Election Supervisory
Body (Bawaslu).
"The KPU is 76.6 trillion Rupiah and the Bawaslu is 33.8 trillion Rupiah," said Jokowi.
He also asked for the legal protection
that overshadows the implementation of the 2024 General Election and the
simultaneous local elections to be completed immediately. In fact, Jokowi has
assigned the Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD
to communicate intensely with the DPR and KPU. The goal is to make plans and
programs regarding the General Election that are prepared in more detail.
"So that the existing
regulations, which are compiled, do not have multiple interpretations and can
later lead to disputes in the field," said Jokowi.
As is known, the issue of postponing elections
and extending the presidential term has been blowing fast lately. Jokowi has
banned members of Indonesia Maju cabinet from talking about postponing the 2024
election. He asked ministers to focus on solving problems faced by society.
“Don’t let anyone talk about delays
and extensions,” said Jokowi at the Plenary Cabinet Session at the Presidential
Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday 5th April.
For information, previously
circulated about the postponement of the election until the extension of the
current presidential term, or even Jokowi’s three terms. One of them is the
discourse that was rolled out from politicians who are also Jokowi’s assistants
in the Cabinet.
Such of coordinating minister for the
Economy, Airlangga Hartarto through his capacity as General Chairman of Golkar,
then previously there was the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia,
and Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.
This has also invited public ‘outrage’,
one of which was expressed by students in rallies in a number of areas,
including those planned for Jakarta today, Monday 11th April.
Last week, Jokowi ordered his
ministers to stop talking about postponing the election to a three term of
presidential term.
Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20220411061725-32-782965/pernyataan-lengkap-jokowi-soal-pemilu-2024